MBRIO Certification Body
Application Process
Proses Aplikasi
1. Contact MBRIO Certification body to place an order through the website, WhatsApp Business
(+62 856-9485-4261), or email at certification@mbrio-food.com.
Hubungi badan Sertifikasi MBRIO untuk melakukan pemesanan melalui situs web, WhatsApp bisnis (+62 856-9485-4261) atau
email: certification@mbrio-food.com.
2. Fill out and return the provided application and/or certification forms.
Mengisi dan mengembalikan aplikasi dan /atau formulir sertifikasi yang diberikan.
3. A proposal including the scope, budget, location, schedule, and other relevant details will be sent.
Proposal termasuk ruang lingkup, anggaran, lokasi, jadwal, dan lainnya akan dikirimkan.
4. Signing of the Certification Agreement.
Penandatanganan perjanjian sertifikasi.
5. MBRIO will appoint an audit team.
MBRIO akan menunjuk tim audit.
6. Once the application process is complete, we will proceed to the initial certification audit.
Proses aplikasi selesai, kami akan melanjutkan ke proses audit sertifikasi.